Her conflicting emotions erupted in tears, and Melora was caught off guard when Reg effortlessly twisted her weightless body around.
Then, his emotions erupted.
In Munro's work, emotions erupt.
An explosive emotion erupted from the jewel.
Unfortunately, he finished "The Challenge of Global Capitalism" before all those emotions erupted in Seattle.
The emotion Mariano Rivera usually represses erupted on the mound at Yankee Stadium yesterday, evident to anyone with a pair of high-powered binoculars.
They are afraid that the desperation and frustration accompanying poverty are contributing greatly to violence within cities, and that these emotions will erupt into larger-scale disturbances soon.
All the violent, tangled emotions she was feeling erupted as she shouted the curse and pounded her hand on the steering wheel.
Strong emotions erupted again on Tuesday at a Community Board 7 meeting.
Secrets are revealed, emotions erupt, relationships disintegrate and Michael's life comes crashing down around him.