A typical experimental result was to set the emission wavelength and then tune the arrival time of the photons.
This corresponds to the strongest emission wavelength found in the mystery interstellar infrared radiation.
Other radiation sources generate a narrow spectrum but the emission wavelength can be tuned to cover a spectral range.
The emission wavelength can be significantly red shifted compared to the unpassivated core.
An increase in either the core size or shell length results in longer emission wavelengths.
Filter fluorometers produce specific excitation and emission wavelengths by using optical filters.
Other lasing mediums can be selected based on the desired emission wavelength (see table below), power needed, and pulse duration.
Here are some typical lasers and their emission wavelengths:
This laser had an emission wavelength of 3.75 μm.
Excitation scans on the other hand collect fluorescent light at a fixed emission wavelength or range of wavelengths.