Furthermore, declining skin cancer incidence in younger cohorts and economic assessment show skin cancer prevention programs are an eminently worthwhile investment.
Chances of seeing the Berio and Henze works given a major staging here any time soon are not great, so those projects seemed eminently worthwhile.
Though marred by an abrupt ending and glaring literary devices, "Limbo" is eminently worthwhile (Holden).
"And now, in conclusion, Brother Voltaire has requested permission to address us for a few minutes, and I am sure that anything Brother Voltaire has to say will be eminently worthwhile."
It was eminently worthwhile.
Which isn't to say that the pieces weren't in themselves eminently worthwhile.
It's just a very good, rather modest, eminently worthwhile reform.
Why, when we have eminently worthwhile and interesting people to read about?
All this is eminently worthwhile but the question is: is it enough?