I have conducted an investigation in my own style by eliciting views of eminent historians and the local people," he said.
The other is: how can an eminent and able historian allow his main argument to sleep through almost all of his book?
In addition to the information collected from D-Day participants, many works by eminent historians and authors were consulted during the research.
Where eminent historians argue, the student can do little more than be aware of the conflict of ideas.
Her peers and colleagues regard her as an eminent historian and teacher.
The list was developed by a committee including several eminent Western Australian historians.
The articles in the Dictionary are typically 1-5 pages and are written by eminent historians of science.
He was also an eminent historian who contributed much to our understanding of modern Ireland.
An eminent historian, his publications include books, articles and reviews produced over a 60-year career.
Two of America's most eminent historians devoted years of research and writing to the great contest for empire.