It cannot, I think, be denied, that genius belonged to Captain Cook in an eminent degree.
The dwarf being the favourite, sir, it is certain that the public mind will run in a great and eminent degree upon the production of dwarfs.
Much better than discretion; though you possess that quality also in an eminent degree.
Madam d'Epinay, violent but deliberate, possessed this art to an eminent degree.
Doubtless such a practice is discordant with courtly style in the most eminent degree.
The half-caste is generally a lying, vicious rogue, possessing the worst qualities of both parents in an eminent degree.
You possess, even to an eminent degree, the commercial imagination.
We have before us not a simple political or racial entity, but, to an eminent degree, "a spiritual people."
It reflects the creative integration of the various elements of cinema to an eminent degree.
She attained an eminent degree of sanctity.