Will it cover emergency expenses like a trip to a foreign hospital or an evacuation?
Adopting the Ramsey financial plan means tackling debts from smallest to largest and saving for three to six months of emergency expenses.
The Committee is also responsible for supplemental spending bills, which are sometimes needed in the middle of a fiscal year to compensate for emergency expenses.
An additional $27,000 was sought, mostly for "emergency" expenses the city had incurred after foreclosure, according to court papers.
Rule No. 6: Protect yourself against illness, fire, and emergency expenses.
Protect yourself against illness, fire, and emergency expenses.
Most airlines will pay $25 to $30 a day for emergency expenses, although Eastern Air Lines has just cut back its payments.
The question of exchange rates arises under this section of the policy in relation to medical and emergency expenses paid abroad.
This fund was specifically created to help bank employees with emergency expenses that came up because of the hurricane.
He said he had given each of the displaced families $200 to meet emergency expenses.