An emergency doctor in Tripoli tells Health Check about the latest medical situation.
Spine surgery consultation: If you have a severe fracture, then the emergency doctor may call a specialist to examine you.
Occasionally, a resident may replace the emergency doctor.
Hospitals and emergency doctors were also concerned about the policy described in the Dec. 20 letter.
That night, quite late, he was taken quite dramatically ill himself, and Chris rang for the emergency doctor.
More recently, emergency doctors, federal marshals and other rescue workers have been taking rooms - at no charge, Mr. King said.
I asked a balding emergency doctor tending the wounds on my head.
The occupant is an emergency doctor who has been called out to attend to a woman with cardiac problems.
He had a heart attack at his apartment, and the emergency doctors could not save him.
"So-called emergency doctors- they simply didn't get it the way you did."