We already can exercise independent emergency authority if it is warranted, and I don't believe we need additional authority.
The Federal Government lacks emergency authority to allocate supplies of oil among civilian users for the first time in 40 years.
In places along the coast where there were no levees to protect people and property, the emergency authorities ordered residents to evacuate.
First, President Clinton gave up on a wary Congress and just said he'd do it on his own, with emergency authority.
Pharmacists were given emergency authority to dispense prescriptions and provide access to dialysis machines.
To help with the force structure changes, an additional 30,000 soldiers were authorized under emergency authority.
Being closer to the ground, they can respond to an emergency before the arrival of the emergency authorities.
For the first time in 40 years, the Federal Government finds itself without emergency authority to allocate supplies of oil among civilian users.
The Soviet Parliament voted on Monday to give him emergency authority for 18 months.
City officials and emergency authorities scrambled to set up other ways for people to reach emergency services as the minutes ticked away.