The term at risk mental state is sometimes preferred, as a prodromal period cannot be confirmed unless the emergence of the condition has occurred.
Some writers claim that the emergence of a single bishop in Rome probably did not occur until the middle of the 2nd century.
But their emergence will occur even more slowly than expected - unless ignited by dormant demons.
The emergence of heraldry occurred across western Europe almost simultaneously in the various countries.
However, if the emergence and success of the team's rookies had not occurred, the team's record would have likely been much worse.
In Africa, the emergence of Christianity has occurred at a high rate.
Lastly, emergence of this blowfly occurs about 15.83 days after pupation.
Unlike other caddisflies, its adult emergence occurs in the winter.
Like other Odonates, emergence usually occurs under the cover of darkness.
This emergence occurred in a meadow, near nothing else, and didn't even cause copters to falter over flying it.