And that popular determination is the most significant fact to have emerged from three dramatic days of life-and-death struggle.
Many a man so charged and punished failed to emerge alive from three days in the pillories.
The latest outburst of violence has only heightened tensions in Hebron, which emerged today from 10 days of a round-the-clock curfew.
The Russian position emerged from three days of negotiations this week between Russian officials and the so-called London Club, a loose assembly of more than 600 Western creditors.
India and Pakistan, longtime foes, emerged from two days of talks without even a joint news release to show for it.
In the Mayflower bar, the significance of the festival was only just beginning to emerge from four days of hair-raising taxi rides, tri-lingual conversations and simultaneous translations terminated by power cuts.
And after Ms. Lewinksy' mother, Marcia Lewis, emerged distraught from two days of grand jury testimony, lawyers for the family suggested that there should be a mother-daughter privilege.
But I'm just emerging from four days of mental fog characterized by alternating episodes of dazed happiness and numb stupefaction.
The initiative was the most concrete to emerge from two days of meetings here among finance ministers and central bankers from the Group of 7 nations.
I've only just emerged from two days in a catatonic state after reading about that in the Daily Telegraph.