The standout in the show is a long Liao purple ceremonial robe with roundels of embroidered gold and silver phoenixes chasing one other around flaming pearls.
In his program notes, Mr. Lacroix offered descriptions like these: "Low-necked embroidered gold lame sky blue crepe jacket.
Thus the over gown, with its elbow length, triple puffed sleeves and high standing collar, had been made of intricately embroidered gold and white lace.
His coat and cloak were red and white and gold, embroidered and brocaded, and for a male even more ornate than hers.
On the bed was a silken coverlet of the deepest red edged and decorated with embroidered gold.
They are displayed as an embroidered gold bar worn horizontally on the right sleeve of the Class A uniform and the Army Service Uniform.
The robe, attached to the shoulders, was a crimson velvet mantle edged with ermine and featured two rows of delicately embroidered gold lace and gold filigree.
One foot was bare, the other in a black velvet slipper with an embroidered gold foxhead over the instep.
Its very garments, moreover, partook of the magical change, and shone with the gloss of novelty and glistened with the skilfully embroidered gold that had long ago been rent away.
She is wearing a high-waisted dress of embroidered gold with tight-fitting sleeves.