There, I bought embossed stamps of the zodiac, which now hang over my computer.
The printing is flat upon the surface of the paper, as opposed to an embossed stamp which has a raised relief.
This term also applies when an imprinted or embossed stamp is overprinted or handstamped to increase the face value.
The tell-tale insignia is an embossed stamp on the underside of the cymbal.
In 1859 the Colony of Natal, in Southern Africa, replaced its embossed stamps with Chalons until 1867.
In embossed and lacquer stamps of the Autonomous Community.
A few taxes used similar embossed stamps but these were inscribed directly and were not underprinted.
Lagan affixed her signature to the aid agreement, and applied an embossed stamp of the Federation emblem next to it.
The embossed stamp was changed to read "ZANKI Italy".
These rotocast cymbals bore a new embossed stamp, "Zanki Rotocasting".