George Elliott Clarke writes that Malcolm X, like Miles Davis, embodies essential elements of cool.
He's a guttural saxophonist, and his music embodies elements from American jazz and rhythm-and-blues, plus the percussive density of African music.
Through their research, Olcott and Blavatsky concluded that Buddhism best embodied elements of what they found significant in all religions.
Both agree that Max embodies elements of each of them.
Today's world expositions embody elements of all three eras.
High school or college students can examine how various strips embody elements of fiction.
Nearly every rendition of a Carnatic music composition is different and unique as it embodies elements of the composer's vision, as well as the musician's interpretation.
Her vocal technique embodies elements from several musical worlds.
Staff also use a software model, which embodies hall admissions policy and elements of wardens' experience, to draft lists of candidates to whom hall places should be offered.
The characters in "The Last Puritan" embody elements of the genteel tradition.