Projects such as the Urban Atmospheres are utilizing embedded technologies in mobile phones to acquire real time conditions from millions of user mobile phones.
These often integrate elements such as embedded technology, gesture-sensitive devices, speakers or context-aware systems.
These systems are typically implemented using embedded technology and are mounted overhead for high accuracy.
Outside the IT domain, preservation of hard copy information, such as contracts, skilled staff or restoration of embedded technology in a process plant must be considered.
In the initial years, VIAT will focus on research in embedded technology, software quality, agricultural engineering and bioengineering.
A partial list of embedded technologies, standards, and other components of HP FutureSmart firmware include:
Current research trends are looking to other embedded mobile technologies such as Near Field Communication, Bluetooth, and UWB.
Ashok's recent work examines possibilities between human habitat and "embedded" technologies: the physical and social sites of digital media.
The embedded magnetic technology has no physical contact points between key and magnetic pins, therefore no kinetic energy is transmitted.
The name, Conemtech, is a blend of the words "Connected embedded technology".