On 13-14 April, the cruiser again operated with TF 51 off the east coast of the embattled island.
Five days later she arrived off China Wan and commenced discharging troops and equipment on the embattled island.
She sighted the embattled island 6 March and cruised in a holding area before dropping anchor 14 March.
After five days off the fiercely embattled island, "where the fleet had come to stay", she sailed for Saipan, with 160 battle casualties.
The force next moved south to provide air cover over the embattled island.
For the next five days, she rotated between those duties; then returned to Saipan to escort reinforcement and resupply echelons to the embattled island.
Once they sneak onto the embattled island, the provisionally betrothed couple is swept up in history's bloody pageant.
I was staring, immobile, as my mind roamed my poor Rox, my embattled island.
Zaniah, herself, sailed for Okinawa on the 24th and arrived on 1 May-one month after the first landings on the embattled island.
The roads were increasingly unsafe and Arilinn itself was an embattled island.