After it disappeared from sight he turned toward the embassy gate.
Downstairs, he turned in his visitor's pass and was let through the embassy gate by a Marine guard.
The storming of the embassy began shortly before 7 a.m., when three militants in a rented moving truck arrived at the embassy gate.
It had been handed in at the embassy gate by a woman who fled after leaving ft. It looked like Nedda's handwriting.
Not the one who'd driven the ambulance to the embassy gate, but the one who should have.
They came trundling across the square and into the embassy gate.
The OD lieutenant at the embassy gate was cooperative, if disagreeable.
The newspaper identified the witness as one of the two privately employed security guards working at the embassy gate at the time of the bombing.
Of those students who'd been closest to the embassy gate, however, there was no sign.
In just a few minutes, he pulled into the embassy gate, past the Marine sentry, and took a visitor's slot before running in, past some more Marines, and up to his office.