He is a good-natured guy who's always kind to his patients but is an embarrassingly bad surgeon.
It wasn't embarrassingly bad, but I'd seen it done better.
I kind of expected the MS kit to not be quite as good as the linux one going it, but really its just embarrassingly bad.
But a number of them said the report Salomon issued yesterday was embarrassingly bad.
I am currently in private accommodation with two international students, one of whose English is embarrassingly bad.
I knew Angelo and he was a sweet man, a very good headwaiter, but he was an embarrassingly bad singer.
Companies Salomon lost $122 million in the fourth quarter, a performance some analysts called embarrassingly bad.
Late in life, House remembered Johnson as a 'little boy' who was a competent harmonica player but an embarrassingly bad guitarist.
The reviewer concluded: "He's embarrassingly bad, as is this episode."
Ron is an embarrassingly bad golfer, so no one wants to play with him.