It simply threw the embarrassing document down the memory hole.
Here is the White House once more belatedly coughing up embarrassing documents.
This is usually treated as a subsidiary controversy in the Whitewater story - was Nussbaum just acting overprotective and stressed, or were embarrassing documents spirited away while he stonewalled?
The purpose of the hearing was to determine whether the V.A. had disposed of potentially embarrassing documents sought in a lawsuit brought by the veterans group.
In recent weeks, the White House has given reporters potentially embarrassing documents before the Republican-controlled committees in the House and Senate could do so themselves.
Q. Weren't you going through your files to get rid of embarrassing documents?
The memorandum may not be the only internal document embarrassing to the bureau.
According to anonymous city employees who have been providing embarrassing documents to the newspapers, patronage in rent-controlled apartments was rampant in the later years of Mr. Chirac's mayoralty.
However, the Government fell when embarrassing documents about the behaviour of industry and the banks during the crisis came to light.
The background: when President Clinton claimed "executive privilege" to keep 3,000 embarrassing documents from investigators, Congress threatened White House Counsel Jack Quinn with criminal contempt.