A sweeping injunction has barred newspapers and television news programs from publishing the embarrassing allegations about the inner workings of Britain's security services, brought up by a disgruntled former officer.
In recent years, the bureau has faced a series of embarrassing allegations of internal racism.
However, disagreements with Al Davis, and a series of embarrassing allegations regarding a violent past and present, sealed his fate there.
In fact, that's probably why they massacred the survivors in the first place-to keep them from making any embarrassing allegations about violation of League neutrality.
The latter is perhaps the most embarrassing allegation.
It was also widely anticipated that a book named It's Grossly Improper would soon be released, containing embarrassing allegations about Dunstan's private life.
Bernier dismissed the embarrassing allegations against him in her book as ridiculous.
As each pleading contained more embarrassing and salacious allegations against the President, the case drew greater press attention.
Mr. Obama was facing Alan Keyes, 54, who joined the race late, after another Republican, Jack Ryan, dropped out when embarrassing allegations were raised in his divorce papers.
Why were embarrassing sexual allegations included, and emphasized, in a case that claimed to be about national security?