The version of the Master that Beevers plays has an emaciated, corpse-like appearance.
Janice claims that Livia often described a person who was dying as "another toothpick" because of the emaciated appearance that comes with protracted mortal illness.
Bale gained attention for his devotion to the role and for the lengths to which he went to achieve Reznik's emaciated, skeletal appearance.
Rather, he had an emaciated appearance, though he seemed to be in perfect health.
Gull noted that her emaciated appearance was more extreme than normally occurs in tubercular cases.
In our first meeting, held at my cage with Plato sitting in to monitor the conversation, I was shocked at Dan's emaciated appearance.
After making headlines for her increasingly emaciated appearance, it took a family intervention to send the star to a treatment program for anorexia.
Such was his emaciated appearance that she wrongly believed him to be a spirit that had granted her a wish.
Many say their emaciated appearance frightens family members, friends and co-workers and severely undermines their self-confidence.
School staff became concerned about Quentin's emaciated appearance two days before he died.