In a nominating process, especially this one, the "popular vote" is an elusive phenomenon.
In all the works, whether dazzlingly colorful or subdued, Mr. Jenkins explores artistic equivalents of the elusive phenomena that animate nature and the imagination alike.
Nicholas Rescher, the University Professor of Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh, deserves plaudits for mooring his considerable philosophical erudition to the ordinary but elusive phenomenon of luck.
But what Mr. Christiansen succeeds at brilliantly is capturing the mad essence of that elusive, contradictory, mysterious phenomenon called French history.
"Theory says it shouldn't happen," said Dr. Trondsen, who is targeting such elusive phenomena.
Passengers stood on the bridge and foredeck that morning, determined to see the "green flash," that elusive solar phenomenon that can occur over water at sunrise or sunset when clouds do not obstruct the view.
In 'Close Up' she manipulates colour with all the subtlety needed to re-create this elusive phenomenon on canvas.
But this expansion is at risk because of an altogether more elusive phenomenon: rapidly changing investor psychology.
Future research will attempt to get readings of electric fields above thunderheads and spectroscopic analyses of light from the elusive phenomena, which will show how the flashes affect atmospheric chemistry.
JWT is hoping that the year-old Huffington Post can deliver that elusive phenomenon: a viral marketing sensation, in which consumers spread marketing messages to each other over the Internet.