Ann Packer's first novel, "The Dive From Clausen's Pier," ascribes that thought to its narrator, the 23-year-old Carrie Bell, as she thinks about an elusive lover.
That the figure should turn out to be the soldier's elusive lover, the object of his desire, should come as no surprise.
It is the scene a Hollywood set designer would envisage for an exquisitely choreographed dream sequence in which a movie star searches for an elusive lover.
Loved by friends, he was an elusive lover.
Loewenstein-Lorre, on a mission to rescue her, brains a rival for the affections of an elusive lover.
Some songs feature a lyrical conceit of an emotionally elusive lover as an apparition or an illusion.
Pursuing her elusive lover to Scotland, Theresa persuaded him to read aloud, while standing beside her, the marriage ceremony.
He howled, dropped the gun, and went for her, arms outstretched like a drunk trying to embrace an elusive lover.
The lyrics speak on an "elusive lover".
More than the others, she is the elusive lover, initially out of her partner's grasp.