They say they are edgy after surprise attacks from an elusive enemy.
"Bringing the perpetrators to justice has always been a foremost priority, but they have proven to be a most elusive enemy."
Each one illustrates the everyday challenges that America's soldiers face in a difficult struggle against an inventive and often elusive enemy.
The first thing he would do toward that end was put some space between himself and his elusive enemies.
But perhaps the most elusive enemy is an old phantom called rumor.
Cebrowski is inclined to see Afghanistan as a step in that direction, with the real game being the pursuit of an elusive enemy.
Americans now live a state of war against an irrational, vengeful and elusive enemy.
The new proconsul also employed innovative tactics to deal with his elusive enemy.
And their elusive enemy, the near-mythic Philip, took on a disproportionate importance.
It was another world out in the jungle, hopefully the last one Wong's elusive enemies would ever see.