To avoid the draft he eluded police for two years.
They escaped to the woods and managed to elude the British for two years, but they paid a terrible price in doing so.
The college's membership in this organization would elude it for many years (2).
Waltrip finally won the Daytona 500 in 1989, a race that had eluded him for so many years.
He could see no sign that sleep had worked any miracles and given her the answer that had eluded him for six years.
Such success eluded equivalent social democratic and labour parties in other countries for many years.
Adams held on to take victory in the 13th and deciding set, to win the title that had eluded him for 14 years.
In 1614, all foreign missionaries were banished so Charles went into hiding, eluding capture for four years.
But more substantial success eluded him for many years.
Within two weeks, Mary finally heard the news that had eluded her for six years: she was pregnant.