Third, she became an eloquent witness to her faith and a pioneer for women seeking license to preach in the Methodist traditions.
The most eloquent witness to this fact is Maxse's old ally Bridgeman.
It stands in white serenity as an eloquent witness to the triumph of Classical purity and common sense.
It stands now, abandoned, as an eloquent witness to professional incompetence.
She is all of these, and one of the most eloquent witnesses of the 20th century.
Obadiah and Psalm 137 bear eloquent witness to the bitterness these actions caused.
The worn stone gave mute but eloquent witness to the immense age of the place.
He is the amazed, sardonic and eloquent witness to the spectacle of a country devouring its own heart.
Yet over the next 18 months, he gave eloquent witness to Gospel values by his manner of ministry, life, and dying.
Her main character Trib showed a passage from innocence to maturity and is a "serious and eloquent witness".