At the bare name of a bull or a cow, his eye would light and his eloquent tongue would turn itself loose.
Stories, myths and history poured from the eloquent tongue of Quirke, holding me spellbound.
Now keep that eloquent tongue of yours inactive for a while.
He was recognized for his eloquent tongue and ready at repartee who analyzed the idea of the metaphysics of mercy.
He had observed Cato's martial spirit and eloquent tongue.
CYRANO: He hath an eloquent tongue in telling his love?
An eloquent tongue promotes faith; reason makes speech clear, and everything helps faith forward.
You have an eloquent tongue, and you know it.
Though Slipp was the larger and stronger of the two searats, he did not possess Strapp's eloquent tongue.
They are wonderfully clever with their tongues: very witty and eloquent.