Dwimoh had declared that even in death, Brown herself "remains the most eloquent piece of evidence in this case".
If so, his eloquent piece might have prevented its wrongful condemnation.
Her much-praised novel "Family Night" was an altogether more artful piece of work, mannered in places but eloquent and engrossing throughout.
Thank you for this lovingly eloquent piece.
Tchaikovsky had rarely been attracted to the variation form before, except for an eloquent piece for piano solo in F major, Op.
Though quiet and with a pristine character that makes them somewhat detached, Daniel Jones's often eloquent pieces provide many of the show's most memorable moments.
As it is, "Force Continuum" has the overall effect of an exceptionally eloquent and evenhanded piece of journalism.
At the time, some skeptics questioned whether a black man could have produced such an eloquent piece of literature.
Freedom to interpret the more subtle dances challenged the public in "Situation," the program's most eloquent piece.
This was a comfortably eloquent piece of neo-Romantic instrumental music, genuinely attractive as such.