To use your own eloquent language, you have the 'slight disadvantage' of being off your head.
But its eloquent language and its stirring expression of the nation's ideals have made it one of the most quoted speeches in United States history.
Skilled kaikaranga are able to use eloquent language and metaphor and to encapsulate important information about the group and the purpose of the visit.
He remained full of ideas and continued to vigorously develop his "personal and eloquent language" until his sudden death in 1987.
The doubt I had then was whether my Rama and Lakshmana (as they were ordinary people) could use such an eloquent Sanskritised language.
They told the story of a countryman's life in an eloquent language of wrinkles, veins, old scars and new.
But silence is a very eloquent language when handled correctly.
By the end, Homans writes, MacMillan "had reduced ballet's eloquent language to a series of barely audible grunts".
Out of familiar ballet steps, Balanchine has constructed his own startling but eloquent choreographic language.
Only her eloquent and ruthless language dignifies the proceedings, lending to the novels their air, if not of triumph, at least of redemption.