In this, however, the Qur'an has given voice to the greatest and most eloquent expression ever known to man.
Because the scrivener is Yoshke, the heartfelt words are really his eloquent expression of love for her.
He is also well known for his Journal, in which he gave eloquent expression to his thoughts on art and contemporary life.
Was speech coming from its mouth, the audible eloquent expression of thoughts?
Her steady, penetrating gaze was in itself an eloquent expression of skepticism.
Actually, this is quite an eloquent expression of what is a personal dilemma; but one which I'm sure many other parents are experiencing.
He was subject to intense emotional disturbances and did not know how to control them except by giving them to eloquent expression in words.
But maybe the most eloquent expression of Aspen's current state surfaced soon after the 90's had begun.
He gave a jerky nod, and his eloquent expression of grief told the truth.
The protests taking place in numerous EU countries are an eloquent expression of this.