They have no eloquent champions in the press, powerful sponsors among local political elites, or brigades of party or union supporters.
It is the invisible enemy lurking in nearly every Congressional debate, challenging and dogging even the most eloquent champions of immigrants.
She can be an eloquent champion of freedom around the world.
Will the Governor, an eloquent champion of working people, find money for a 4.5 percent raise for the nonprofit workers?
Damrosch, an eloquent champion of world literature, makes a persuasive case for "Gilgamesh" as a unifying story that knits East and West together.
"In verity, our Liege Lady the Archduchess Isabella, whom may God protect, could with difficulty find a more eloquent champion."
I pay tribute to my hon. Friend the Member for Beaconsfield (Mr. Smith), who is always an eloquent champion of his constituents' interests.
Three years ago Bezos was a hero and Doerr was the most vocal, eloquent champion of the Internet entrepreneur.
You have an eloquent champion in the one whose life you endangered.
She found an eloquent champion in the Express - on 18 April 1906, after she had reorganised the library it commented that " .