That's an elitist attitude and it's something we want to stop" (front page, June 6).
But I never have liked the elitist attitude behind some of the special-ops people.
Q. Do you think elitist attitudes have developed among celebrity chefs?
"But there is still an elitist attitude about accepting the work as fine art."
"It shows a completely exclusionary and elitist attitude," he said.
Point out that this is an extremely undemocratic and élitist attitude, particularly if it comes from public figures.
That's an elitist attitude and it's something we want to stop.
It's an elitist attitude that doesn't work today, and one or two designers are feeling it now.
She tends to be very demanding, and has an elitist attitude.
It is well past time England lose the elitist attitudes and catch up if we want to be part of an international community.