While political elites tend to be associated with one of the established Christian churches, there is no correlation between membership in any religious group and political or ethnic affiliation.
These groups overlap, and elites tend to circulate from one sector to another, consolidating power as they do so.
Because of his peasant origins, the Colombian elite tends to ascribe to him the personality traits they associate with poor people from the countryside.
In practice, the poor generally welcomed the Soviets, and the elites tended to join the opposition, despite supporting the reunification itself.
We have data from cyclists from across the world at all levels but the elites (and we've seen a lot) tend to show similar force curves.
Amman is in many ways a small town - the elite tend to live in one neighborhood, Abdoun, and the Abdoun chatterers are quite busy parsing the relationship between the two queens.
For long, France's political elite tended to regard passionate concern about the environment as a German problem that blended dangerously with neutralist attitudes on strategic questions.
In practice, the poor generally welcomed the Soviets, while the elites tended to join the opposition, despite supporting the unification of Ukraine.
Iraq's elite tends to emerge from the country's most competitive academic programs, including those for medicine, engineering and science.
The rising upper-middle-class elites, in the business, financial, and professional worlds, tended to accept the values of the old traditional elites.