Design does not have to be perceived as something left to an elite cadre of professionals.
His prowess wins him a spot in an elite cadre of police snipers.
These were not simply sewage treatment workers, but an elite cadre of sewage treatment workers.
The incredible achievements of the Apollo era relied on an elite cadre of engineers.
The British governed through an elite cadre of bureaucrats.
The result was a kind of opulence rarely seen save among an elite cadre of Bashkir lords.
The International Third Position operated more as an elite cadre than a mass movement.
Texas Pacific's advantage is in being among an elite cadre of the world's very largest private equity firms that could team up to accomplish $10-billion-plus deals.
Establish the mystique that it should be only maintained by an elite cadre of expensive employees.
These first thousand troops will become an elite cadre, and assist in the training of future recruits.