As of 1995 this was the richest offering found with any elite burial in the Petexbatún region.
The explorers surmised that these might have been used for elite burials, but looters had made off with all skeletons and any grave goods.
These large facilities are closely associated with elite residences as well as the elite burials inside the architectural complex.
In predynastic China, jade was reserved for elite burials.
Such objects occur in elite burials, together with war axes, maces, and other weapons.
A number of elite burials have been excavated at Cuello.
Burial 160 is an elite burial that has been dated to 500-400 BC.
Located under the building was a tomb lined with slabs of schist, which contained an elite burial.
The formerly abandoned site was suddenly repopulated and the residents began a new building scheme of platform mounds and elite burials.
Gold objects were uncovered in elite burials on the royal hill.