The Republican Guard, Mr. Hussein's elite army, has been a major target of the American strikes.
After assuming control of Mishima Zaibatsu once again, Heihachi formed the Tekken Force, an elite army whose actions would ultimately led to world peace.
Prabhadrakas seems to be an elite army obtained by Panchalas from the Kambojas.
These were Iron Guardsmen of the province's elite army, clad in black-metal caps and cuirasses; as they approached the fray, they drew long, curved sabers.
The plan for the establishment of a new Norwegian elite army in Finnmark, outside German control, was supposed to include several thousands of soldiers.
Whether Hitler or the elite armies of the world that have gathered together for Operation Yeshua have survived this latest disaster, no one knows for sure.
He has built up an elite army of skilled archers and horsemen who receive intensive training and powerful weapons.
Two of Ahmed's elite army had disguised themselves as orderlies so well that they weren't suspected when one went in the room and the other occupied the guard.
They had been Odin's elite Viking army.
Yuan rushed back with an elite army from Ningyuan to defend the capital.