This was aided by judicious use of black powder to eliminate really bad spots.
It uses 2-layer offset construction to eliminate cold spots.
Insulated draft tube isn't sewn through and extends to bottom of bag to eliminate cold spots.
Work proceeds, feverishly, including: moving the speakers inside the 432-seat Space Theater to eliminate dead spots.
Different mirror geometries were added in 1997 to accomplish various tasks, such as eliminating blind spots and offering an expanded field of view.
I found it strange that there was only one detector, rather than two or three overlapping each other to eliminate dead spots.
You have to be able to turn your head to eliminate blind spots.
Some jurisdictions have eliminated individual spots allowing shorter vehicles to use less space.
We have thus eliminated weak spots," she said, "long known to insurrectionist elements.
It makes sense to install better lighting and mirrors to eliminate blind spots, and to improve visibility from the outside.