By eliminating racial segregation, Massey argues that many divides between races that exist would be broken down, including income segregation.
When a school system has eliminated segregation, the law is clear that there is no need or justification for continued judicial supervision.
Conversely, there is no excuse for a school district that, in 1988, still has not eliminated segregation.
The department, Mr. Caraballo said, has a duty to eliminate segregation even if it means crossing municipal boundaries to do so.
The Supreme Court did not say the present system was unconstitutional, only that the state had not done enough to eliminate segregation.
It eliminates columnar grains and dendritic segregation that sometimes occurs during casting.
"We share their basic objective of eliminating segregation to the extent it exists and of improving educational achievement," he said.
In a key address to the public, he asked Atlantans to eliminate racial segregation and in doing so, to set an example to inspire "all the world."
Unitary Status meant that a school district had successfully eliminated segregation in dual school systems and thus no longer bound to court-ordered desegregation policies.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was opposed to the idea of gradualism as a method of eliminating segregation.