Eliminating players before the end of the game is seen as counterproductive.
In the first several rounds, it makes sense to eliminate bad players since the jackpot grows only when correct answers are given.
Players often decide to vote off weaker rivals, but occasionally opt to eliminate stronger players as well.
Inside each ball are cash prizes, which players win and "dream busters", which eliminate players from that game.
The final differences is that eliminated players, called extras, are still allowed some form of participation even though they can't win the game.
The objective of the game is to make shots in order to survive elimination and, in turn, eliminate other players.
Another variation is to eliminate players.
The Killer may continue in their attempt to eliminate other players even though his/her candle is extinguished.
Disguised as tourists, the team travels across Europe, finding and eliminating several major players in the terrorist organization.
This reflected in his voting history, where his votes barely eliminate other players.