Cutting water consumption, in short, can eliminate only part of the daily deficit.
In this way, Tom explained, he could eliminate part of his bulky equipment and do an even better job of making the diver "invisible."
Some AFMs also use separated orthogonal scanners (as opposed to a single tube) which also serve to eliminate part of the cross-talk problems.
Space for the seats was created by eliminating part of the courtside seating for media.
Memory is like a lens: you cannot remove a part of an image by eliminating part of the lens - " "Of course you can't!
Jack Nicklaus, who won't be playing because of a bad back, predicted that the lengthened holes would "eliminate part of the field," but Johnson disagreed.
The Legislature also eliminated part of the so-called marriage penalty.
I eliminated part of a possibility.
But on the trail we still found that the itinerary included some overly ambitious (and long) days, so decided to eliminate part of the route.
I'm not saying I'm there all the time, but if you can eliminate part of the field, that certainly helps if you're playing well.