In most western democracies, the desire to eliminate or reduce economic inequality is generally associated with the political left.
In the post-independence period however, Sane became increasingly disillusioned over the possibilities of eliminating inequality from Indian society.
Their wartime contributions improved the conditions of minority citizenship for Nuevomexicanos but did not entirely eliminate social inequality.
It is considered to be a personal responsibility for Muslims to ease economic hardship for others and eliminate inequality.
Members of the staff are selected on the basis of their writing abilities and their commitment to eliminating inequality.
The commission has been touted as part of his commitment to eliminate inequality for Americans with disabilities.
It takes place in a world where seven alien super powered beings known as the Greats have eliminated disease, poverty, and social inequality.
The mystical teachings are devoted to revealing divine knowledge, while social teachings are primarily concerned with eliminating inequality and discrimination in society.
The attempt to eliminate inequality in the area of healthcare, however, has more to do with humanity than the economy.
Secondly, alongside mainstreaming we also want to see accompanying measures specifically designed to eliminate inequality.