The 2009 Oregon legislature eliminated funding for the OSB, with plans to sell the property.
Southerners in Congress prevented any action on the approval of this separate border treaty and eliminated further funding for surveying of the disputed borderland.
As a result, the Wisconsin legislature eliminated funding for its judicial elections in 2011.
In 1995, DOE made the decision to eliminate funding for algae research within the Biofuels Program.
One of his first major votes in Congress was to eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood, the nation's leading sexual and reproductive health care provider .
We oppose the use of public revenues for abortion and will eliminate funding for organizations which advocate or support abortions.
For example, it nearly eliminates funding to install ethanol blender pumps at service stations.
Congress should eliminate federal funding for clinics and medical facilities that provide abortion services.
"The real climate is knowing that there's a Republican Congress returning with a number of members who have vowed to eliminate funding for the endowment entirely."
Adopting these cost regulations would eliminate electoral bribery and illegal funding.