Thus, each test technology has significant 'blind spots', and a goal is to combine technologies to more effectively eliminate untested defects.
If you're in the blueberry business, on the other hand, the goal is to eliminate defects.
The material was stirred continually to eliminate defects, such as bubbles.
The aim of poka-yoke is to design the process so that mistakes can be detected and corrected immediately, eliminating defects at the source.
By eliminating defects at the source, the cost of mistakes within a company is reduced.
Nor can they eliminate defects that are more the province of dietitians or plastic surgeons.
Genetic treatment was in process of eliminating heritable defects.
New product development aims to eliminate defects by testing in the factory before launch, but some may occur during its early life.
We look to be sure companies don't merely eliminate defects but that they are proactive and forward looking.
Eliminate defects or eliminate differences or are they one and the same?