The Death on the High Seas Act limits damages to real monetary losses, eliminating punitive damages and payments for pain and suffering.
In turn, the industry offered its own lawsuit package that would, among other things, limit individual compensatory damage awards to $250,000, eliminate punitive damages and bar traditional product liability claims.
On-line monitoring of man-caused and natural emergencies for the purpose of effective planning and timely performing of measures to eliminate damages.
A pending bill would among other things eliminate punitive damages for some manufacturers, including drug producers, if those companies comply with Government rules when marketing a product.
The Ottoman side, to eliminate damages caused by these battleships, assigned the Muâvenet-i-Millîye.
Heyman unsuccessfully lobbied Congress to change the law governing asbestos litigation and eliminate punitive damages.
Representative Hughes's bill would not eliminate treble damages, but it would put legal hurdles in the path of recovering them.
The changes would make it more difficult for plaintiffs to win discrimination cases and would, in some instances, eliminate monetary damages if plaintiffs are successful in court.
The ski industry is lobbying for state laws that would, among other things, put a cap on non-economic damages such as pain and suffering and eliminate punitive damages.
In all, a majority of the legislatures have taken measures of some kind to change tort law, among them placing caps on awards for pain and suffering and eliminating punitive damages.