Airlines at first halved and then largely eliminated commissions on domestic flights, forcing many agents to add fees to ticket prices.
He and partner Bob Roswell eliminated commissions for their company's sales force in 1994.
Should every company eliminate commissions for its sales staff?
Merrill Lynch, by contrast, eliminated differing commissions in 1988, and since then the proportion of outside funds it sells has grown.
In 2002, most major airlines eliminated commissions they once paid to travel agents on tickets sold in the United States and Canada.
However, simply eliminating commissions will not solve much if broker-salespeople still must obey their firms' "seamy" instructions to sell questionable securities.
Through the program, buyers work directly with Douglas Development, eliminating commissions and middlemen.
Dr. Koop's contract has been changed to eliminate such commissions, the company said in the same article.
But he doubted that the Internet would eliminate real estate agents and commissions.
Reforms happened; the SEC eliminated fixed commissions, which forced "brokers to compete freely with one another for investors' business."