Actually, "zero defects" meant that at any given time, the highest priority is to eliminate bugs before writing any new code.
Its goals are to eliminate bugs and execute small design fixes on the original appframework implementation while maintaining compatibility with version 1.03.
Ms. Dilbeck and others have spent weeks at a time in San Jose working to eliminate bugs.
While this example may be over simplified, restructuring of data is fairly common problem in software engineering, either to eliminate bugs, increase efficiency, or support new features.
The Securities Exchange Executive Council hopes its proposals will eliminate such bugs in the system, while creating a smooth-running mechanism for pushing China further down the road of market reform.
To eliminate bugs completely, the entire building should be treated at one time.
Other methods of software testing are generally employed to try to eliminate bugs and many other factors are considered in the measurement of software quality.
Maxis has continued to update the game to improve gameplay quality and eliminate bugs.
Patches 1.2 to 1.4 were primarily aimed at eliminating bugs, improving performance and resolving compatibility issues.
Despite safety advances in newer languages, many veteran software designers are fatalistic about the possibility of eliminating bugs.