This briefly eliminated access to tools such as Tor and Alkasir.
There have been considerable internal disputes over elements like a proposal to eliminate access to Lincoln Center's parking garage from 65th Street.
It is not in consumers' interest for the federal government to outright eliminate access to products and services.
The key to combating pests is to make the house and yard unattractive by eliminating moisture, food and easy access or habitation.
Eliminating access to the park during rush hour, therefore, is not likely to cripple the city's many other thoroughfares.
Some politicians, particularly conservatives, advocate not only intensified patrols of the borders but also curbing or eliminating access to public services for illegal immigrants.
This has also caused many students and staff alike to criticize it for eliminating access to potential educational websites.
Later the western half of the walkway was walled off for offices, effectively eliminating access to that half of the garden.
"No set of measures will ever eliminate access by all criminals to firearms," Mr. Summers said.