For example, he calls Hamas "the most successful Islamic resistance group," implying that despite its stated goal of eliminating Israel altogether, it is in fact only resisting the occupation.
It means eliminating Israel.
They still see any peaceful settlement as they always have - the first step toward eliminating Israel.
I don't want to exterminate the Jews or even eliminate Israel, if you must know the truth.
But Israeli and Palestinian reports said Hamas, a militant Islamic movement, refused to abandon its call for a single Palestinian Islamic state, eliminating Israel.
The P.L.O. is backing away from its goal of eliminating Israel while Israel is reassessing its attempts to ignore Palestinian nationalism.
But Eliav said, "You're equating Israel with Judaism and you wonder what the world will do if the Arabs try to eliminate Israel altogether?"
Long years of terrorism against Israel have not eliminated Israel.
Attacks in the occupied territories, they argue, signal that they seek to gain their own state alongside Israel, rather than to eliminate Israel from the map.
The PLO may want a two-state solution, but Hamas wants to eliminate Israel.