Ultimately, the National Collegiate Athletic Association's eligibility committee banned Manuel from competition for life.
And they appeal to the eligibility committee for restoration.
The appeal, filed on Tuesday, is being considered by the N.C.A.A.'s eligibility committee.
The eligibility committee had been scheduled to hear Syracuse's final appeal for restoration of McRae's eligibility today.
The decision, by the eligibility committee, requires Austin to repay the $2,500 and prove that he has no further obligations to Walters.
In answer to an appeal by Auburn, the eligibility committee ruled for restoration of Burger's eligibility without offering an explanation.
There were also claims of bad blood between Tilden's coach, Eric Eisenberg, and the head of the league's eligibility committee.
An eligibility committee - originally consisting of mainly Austrian art dealers but over the years becoming more and more international - was responsible for selecting the galleries.
But Ms. Johnson said the youth organization's eligibility committee reviewed the two girls' applications for waivers and denied them.
Yesterday, United States Swimming's eligibility committee ruled him ineligible to swim.