Kevin bit his tip, sure that those keen, pointed elf ears had picked up the sound.
This traditionally clad young woman with a mysterious demeanor and elf ears is another kunoichi-in-training who doesn't appear very often.
He spoke quietly- though not quietly enough for Keya's keen elf ears to miss.
Recognizable for the pointed elf ears she has worn since 1992, Reverend Jen is founder, head curator and self-styled "trollogist" of the Lower East Side Troll Museum, which is in her apartment (No. 19) at 122-124 Orchard Street, and celebrates its first anniversary next month.
A guy roller-skated past me, and I wouldn't have given him a second thought if it weren't for the elf ears he wore.
AMONG the most dedicated fans of anime, it has become popular to dress up as favorite characters - not just in T-shirts and masks but in wigs, body makeup, wax prosthetics and lifelike elf ears.
"And yes, I did ask to be allowed to examine it" Eliathanis' keen elf ears caught that murmur.
They are slightly taller and slimmer than Super Dollfie and there is a variety of doll types available, including dolls with elf ears and vampire teeth.
FREEBIES: Denzel proudly wore a wraparound paper hat with elf ears and "Macy's" emblazoned across the front.