Plays for French league team Terville, which allowed her to play at an elevated standard throughout the winter months.
Robert B. Parker established such an elevated standard with his first four novels, through "Promised Land" in 1976, that it would have been virtually impossible to keep it up.
But I hope today to make the case for why my proposal, which has been cosponsored by several of our colleagues, meets that elevated standard.
Bringing the idea of UrduPoint to life, and then maintaining its elevated standard, was no easy task.
Instead, he edified the assembled students with anecdotes in praise of great C.E.O.'s he has known and his own elevated journalistic standards.
It also says that in the last four months it has banished tens of thousands of sellers who did not meet new, elevated standards.
In addition, the school emphasizes individual attention to each student, helping students meet and exceed high academic goals, and holding all students to elevated standards of personal conduct.
Fineman added that McCain could also be charged with hypocrisy since "Mr. Sharp Elbows" wasn't living up to his own elevated standard of positive campaigning.
More parents turn to send their kids to these schools considering the fairly elevated standards of the way they are managed.
Next, in 1976, the Court's majority acknowledged that it was applying an elevated standard of review - "heightened scrutiny" - to overt gender-based classifications.